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The meaning of rings on the different fingers: little finger, ring finger...

In Lavani we love that you learn from our hand (never better said) and that you know every day more and more about something as important as jewelry, so we want that, little by little and through the #LavaniBlog, you know the meaning of placing the rings on each of our fingers, because we know that you are going to love them and that you are going to start wearing them even more eagerly. Today we tell you...

The meaning of wearing rings on each finger

It is not the same if you are single, if you are wearing an engagement ring, if you wear several rings on one finger, or if you are simply looking for more casual rings to complete your looks. That's why you can't miss today's post, in which we explain the meaning of rings on the little finger, the meaning of rings on the middle finger, the meaning of rings on the little finger, the meaning of rings on the...

1. The meaning of a ring on the pinky finger.

We have decided to start with the meaning of wearing rings on the little finger because it has very nice connotations, very curious and, above all, very unknown to most people. If you are one of the few who do know, we want you to tell us how you discovered its meaning and if you already have a special ring for this finger!

Wearing a ring on the little finger is a symbol of love for oneself; to show us every day how much we love ourselves, how much we value ourselves and how important it is for us to know that this is so day after day. Through this ring, we show the commitment we have with ourselves to fight, to move forward and to know that we are capable of achieving the goals we set for ourselves.

Why does wearing a ring on the little finger mean this?

It is not a very old meaning; we are talking about a fairly new trend, which began when the world of social networks gained momentum and it was increasingly difficult for most of the world (and especially women) to feel at ease with themselves.

Too many filters, too many retouched images, bodies and faces without imperfections or pimples that do not reflect reality and make us feel insecure every day, were the triggers to start this trend that has come to stay, and that we at Lavani adore.

And we love it because we know how difficult it is to accept ourselves and love ourselves as we are, and we believe that a very nice way to keep it in mind at any time, is through a ring that you always carry with you and you can see when you need a push for that day that becomes a little more uphill.

Which rings look best on the little finger?

Since most of us wear more than one ring, we want this one to just be something simple, a place to look when we need that extra dose of energy, so we gravitate more towards a ring like the Diya Rings, which are available in a variety of colors.

The meaning of the ring on the little finger


2. Ring on the middle finger: its meaning

The middle finger is one of the most special, not only because of its name, which already gives it character and gives us a slight hint of what it can mean, but also because of where it is. The middle finger is located in the center of our hand, so any ring we place on it will stand out a lot.

A ring on the middle finger of the right hand would denote a more emotional person who requires a lot of help when making decisions. On the other hand, a ring on the middle finger of the left hand would denote decisiveness and forcefulness when making decisions in complicated situations.

3. The ring on the thumb or big toe and its meaning

As for the meaning of the rings on the thumb, we can say that throughout history and in different cultures, the ring on this finger has had the most varied meanings: from the power of life and death in ancient Rome and even military ranks in China.

Nowadays, the meaning of a ring on the big toe or thumb has more to do purely with fashion. People who wear rings on the big toe tend to be creative, daring and with more modern, current and trendy styles.

Meaning of ring on the ring finger


4. The meaning of the ring on the index finger

The meaning of the ring on the little finger also changes depending on which finger you wear it on. Although on both fingers it denotes power, and has for many, many years, discover below what it means on each finger.

On the one hand, the meaning of wearing a ring on the index finger of the right hand denotes a lot of power and dominance, making you a leader in different aspects of life.

On the other hand, the meaning of wearing a ring on the index finger of the left hand, although it is also representative of a person with a lot of self-confidence, would denote that you prefer to let yourself go and let other people be the leaders to follow.

Meaning of the ring on the middle finger


5. Meaning of a ring on the ring finger

As many of you know, wearing a ring on the ring finger has for years had a very specific meaning that we explain right here below. However, nowadays, wearing a ring on the ring finger may well mean nothing and, in fact, it is quite widespread to wear rings with an aesthetic purpose on the ring finger.

  • On which finger do you put your maiden ring? And on which finger do you put your engagement ring?

As we mentioned, if you were wondering on which finger the bridal ring is placed, it is on the ring finger. Although it will of course depend on where you are in the world, the engagement ring is usually worn on the right hand. Once the wedding day arrives, normally, the engagement ring would also be placed on the ring finger but on the left hand.


Finding the perfect ring size for any of our fingers can be a bit of a challenge, but don't worry! We're here to give you the two perfect solutions:

  1. The first is that you consult the RING SIZEHERE. It is possible that you will find a ring that has a size available that corresponds to your little finger. And if not...
  2. Choose adjustable rings: you bet! Most of our rings are adjustable, so you can adjust them to fit the size that corresponds to your little finger or any other. The best part? One day you feel like wearing it on another finger, you can adjust it to fit that size and so on as many times as you want. You can see all our adjustable rings .

However, what we like the most at Lavani is that you surprise us (because you always do) and show us which ones you would choose among all our rings. Remember the special meaning of placing a ring on the little finger, heart, fat, ring or index finger, and feel free to dare with everything and more: it's time.


Do you dare to wear a ring on your little finger?


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