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Gold and silver: Why they are so valuable

Today we are going to talk about the real value of noble materials, that is, those materials that do not suffer corrosion or oxidation when exposed to conditions that cause corrosion, are superior in quality to other metals. In our case, the noble materials we use in Lavani Jewels are silver and gold, although other examples are platinum, palladium or mercury.

 Gold and silver necklaces Lavani Jewels

Why do noble metals not suffer from corrosion?

Noble metals are very characteristic and special materials, they differ from other metals in that when they come into contact with oxygen they do not react, i.e., they never oxidize or in some cases they react very little so that it is quite unlikely to appreciate that they have reacted on contact with oxygen.

This is why these metals are so widely used in jewelry because they help jewelry to be very durable and to remain in good condition, increasing the value of the jewelry we produce.


Where can we find noble metals?

Noble materials are widely distributed throughout the world.

Although it may surprise you, gold is of magmatic origin and is therefore only found in the interior of the Earth. However, when magma rises to the surface, gold is deposited in the upper layers of the earth, forming gold deposits. The world's 5 largest gold producers are China, Indonesia, the United States, Argentina and Peru.

Deposit where the gold formation is visible

In the case of silver, this material is sealed to rocks such as copper, copper-nickel, lead and zinc and is separated through chemical processes from them. The world's largest silver deposits are located in Canada, Mexico, Poland, Peru, Bolivia, Australia and the United States.

Ore containing the noble material: silver


Why are gold and silver so valuable?

There is no denying the value of gold and silver, especially in recent years where the decline in the quantity of these metals has caused an exponential increase in the price of these noble materials.

Gold and silver have acquired a very special value in the life of humans since ancient times and the reason why these metals are so valuable is that they already have a lot of value by themselves, and to this we must add that the demand for these noble materials does not go hand in hand with the amount of gold or silver that can be extracted in the deposits, so their value increases because they cannot fully satisfy the demand of the population.

Many people cannot afford such high quality materials, and therefore, the market has created new options for more affordable jewelry that if you are interested in knowing how it works, its quality and if it is really worth it, we leave you a blog in which we explain everything about it.

 Affordable jewelry

It is very important to remember that not everything goes with these materials, they also need care and delicacy, so we recommend reading this blog where we explain how to care for your jewelry depending on whether they are gold or silverHow to .

Without a doubt, today we have told you the best details so that you can become a professional about gold and silver, the most appreciated noble materials on the planet. We are sure that they have helped you to understand the importance of these materials around the world and why they are so valuable!


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