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Keys that should not be missing in the wedding speech

Do you know someone who is soon going to go through one of the most special moments of his or her life, like getting married? When your friends are getting engaged, what better gift than giving a wedding speech during the wedding reception? However, are you too embarrassed and don't know how to express what you feel? Stay in this blog to discover some of the fundamental keys to recite this plea to the bride and groom, because in LAVANI Jewels we want to help you to write the best wedding speech for your friends.

How to write a wedding speech to make it perfect?

Keys Wedding speech for friends

1. How to make a wedding speech?

When your closest friends are getting engaged, an ideal gift and a very important role is to make a wedding speech. This means planning and writing down what you want to express in front of a large number of people, and although this can make you shiver with nerves, at LAVANI Jewels we have it all figured out and in this blog we want to help you.

Before you start writing, you must structure several aspects. The first of all is to know what kind of message you want to give. In other words, what do you want to tell in this plea? How many feelings do you want to show in public? You should write down on paper or on the computer all those stories or emotions that you want to express that day.

Once you have a rough draft of all these ideas, begin to sort them out and tell a story of sorts. You can start by looking back to when you first met your friends as well as recounting experiences you've had together in the past. Then, you can continue with a good reflection on the current relationship you have with the boyfriend or girlfriend, and finish with a touching sentence that touches all those sensitive hearts, to bring a touch of emotion.

When you are clear about what you want to express and in what order, take a pen or your computer and write it down. You can ask for help from someone who knows how to write better than you, if you don't feel inspired. Once you have finished your speech, don't forget to learn it or print it on a card. Remember that this should be of a single color, white if possible, and that it should be aesthetically beautiful on the back so as not to break with the aesthetics of the wedding.

Wedding Speech Key Friends

2. What should you talk about in a wedding speech?

So far we have focused the wedding speech to friends or relatives of the engaged couple. But also the bride and groom themselves can deliver a speech focused on the guests, relatives, or their own partner. The content of the speech will depend on who has to recite it, because if it is one of the bride and groom, the speech will talk about their own love relationship, while if the speech is recited by a family member or friend, the content will be emotional but not as intimate as the first one.

Whoever you are at a wedding, there are certain tips to keep in mind when writing a good speech, as well as what to talk about and what NOT to talk about. Here are some keys to giving the perfect speech.

  • Don't overuse clichés. You should sound natural and spontaneous, but you should not sound like you are acting.
  • Do not talk about politics or religion, as some people may be offended. Avoid this type of topic.
  • Use a structure of introduction, development and denouement for your speech. This will make it clearer and guests will not get lost in the story.
  • Tell special anecdotes to entertain the audience and get a smile from them. It is also important to give a touch of humor in this to break the ice and not bore the guests. Be original and creative, and use these anecdotes to do so.
  • Value and highlight the bride and groom. You are in one of the most special moments of their lives, so dedicate part of the speech to them and value what they are for you and how essential they are in your life.

Key wedding speech friends

3. What language to use?

If you are not going to resort to having someone else write your wedding speech, stay and read these tips. If you know how to write well, this is a plus for you. If not, here are some recommendations on what kind of language you should use to write the perfect speech.

Before writing the final draft, consider the language you should use. This should be plain, natural and not too monotonous, so that the guests do not get lost or bored. Also, use a vocabulary that can be understood by everyone, because at the wedding you will find from small children to older people, and the important thing is that the speech captures everyone's attention. Try to be clear, direct and concise to achieve the latter.

Another thing to keep in mind is the length of the text. Don't get too long and get to the point. Do not write a paragraph of 50 words, but do not write more than one page either. This text will be spoken by you and you will not be able to read more than one and a half pages, because you yourself will get bored. The ideal is to speak for five minutes!

And finally, write from the heart. Be sure to write what you feel and how you feel. Be yourself. It's a very important day for someone close to you, and you want everything to come out natural but perfect. Help this with a speech that comes from inside you.

4. General advice

Once you have understood all the above tips as well as relevant aspects to take into account, we want to help you a little more by telling you some keys on how to achieve the definitive and perfect speech. Discover these recommendations and you will surely succeed after delivering this long-awaited speech!

  • The key to making the best speech is to rehearse it. Pronounce it out loud to yourself or to close friends. The more you practice, the more natural and spontaneous this speech can be.
  • To avoid possible nerves, carry something in your hands. Even a pen or a piece of cutlery can save you from being nervous. It is scientifically proven that when a person gives a presentation in front of an audience, he/she suffers less nerves if he/she has a small target in his/her hands. This will give you confidence.
  • Remember not to read the speech all the time. With practice, you will remember many parts of your text and you will not need to read all the time. That is why it is important to rehearse.
  • Involve the guests in your speech. You can ask a few questions for the guests to answer with a "Yes", "No" or even get them to raise their hands, keeping the audience engaged and creating a good atmosphere.

If in addition to giving a perfect and emotional wedding speech, you want to give something more personal and unique, discover our BRIDAL collection for all those who will soon enjoy one of the best days of their lives. We recommend the Riviere Victoire Silver NecklaceNecklace, the Twiggy White Earrings earrings or for the most elegant and sophisticated, the Amal Priedraluna Earrings.


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