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Why do your jewels turn your fingers green?

It is not surprising that more and more people are suffering from this type of problem because, with the use of social networks and the tremendous globalization we are experiencing, more and more people see a nice ring on an unknown page and, being cheap, decide to buy it.

Find out what causes your jewelry to leave your fingers green!

Why your jewelry leaves your fingers green

However, far from being a success, this is nothing more than a mistake. And why is that? Well, because, apart from not favoring your image aesthetically the fact of wearing a green finger because of the jewelry you wear, the truth is that the most important drawback is that this green is causing damage to your skin.

Read on to find out why your fingers stay green and how to avoid it!

1. Why your jewelry makes your fingers green

Indeed, you are not the first or the last to wonder why that beautiful ring you bought just a few days ago is already leaving the green mark that we don't like so much. Well, today we give you the answer: the material.

One of the material components that most often comes up in conversations, blogs and studies when it comes to this topic is the hated, especially in the jewelry industry, Nickel.

The same is a ferromagnetic material the use of which the EU limited in 2015 for the realization of jewelry pieces. Since then, only a maximum of 0.28 micrograms per square centimeter is allowed.

Therefore, this regulation leads us to think that, if it is indeed happening to us that our fingers are turning green because of the fantastic new ring we have bought, it is highly probable that it is made of this material.

Another possible cause may be that the jewelry is not of high quality and is gold plated with a rather thin layer that causes the skin to come into contact with the metal when the plating wears off.

It should be noted that, as we mentioned before, there are factors that may favor this happening, such as the fact that we sweat or that we do not remove the jewelry when we use any other chemical product such as soap, disinfectant or cologne.

What happens in these cases is that the minerals and chemicals present in sweat and other types of products can react with these chemical elements and corrode the material creating the so-called copper salts and causing this green dye to permeate our skin.

2. Materials to avoid

As such, there are materials that do not cause allergies or stain the skin, such as gold and silver. However, the problem is that, when used in jewelry, they are often mixed with other types of materials such as tin or nickel .

This is the case of sterling silver which, being 7.5% copper and alloyed with gold, can oxidize when it comes into contact with the skin, leaving a trace that is not green, but dark.

So, if gold and silver are usually alloys, then what material should we buy?

Well, the truth about these mixtures is that gold and silver are in themselves too soft materials, which makes it necessary to mix them with others.

Therefore, the important thing when we value a material of this caliber, is not that it is 24k gold (which is the maximum), but that among the materials it contains, we try to avoid some such as Nickel or Tin since there are certain materials that are more prone to corrosion and have more possibilities of oxidation and salinization with loss of intensity or changes in color and brightness.

Therefore, if we buy jewelry that is made or plated with 22K, 18K, 14K or even 10K gold, we will be making the right choice when it comes to choosing the materials for our jewelry.

Today, we give you a little tip, because sometimes you can't always know what materials the jewelry contains because you would have to analyze it in depth.

However, you can know them by looking at the color of the gold, which varies depending on the amount and type of metal they contain:

  • White gold when mixed with materials such as palladium, silver and nickel .
  • Rose gold when mixed with copper. Therefore, the more copper, the more pink.
  • Green gold is when mixed with copper or silver. The amount of these materials will determine whether the green is more yellowish or more bluish.
  • Black gold: This occurs when yellow, white or rose gold is coated with a controlled oxidation process. The result will be an intense black color.

3. The harm of this phenomenon

While as such, this change of color of our skin to a more greenish tone is not dangerous, it may be that we are using materials that are harmful to our skin, which we must take care of.

Especially in those cases where materials such as Cadmium, Nickel or Tin are used. The reason for this is that there are many people who tend to be allergic to these types of materials so that wearing them can cause, beyond the greenish color, other types of reactions such as contact dermatitis, blisters or rashes .

If, by avoiding poor quality jewelry, you continue to develop redness, it is best to visit a dermatologist to find out if you are indeed allergic to any of these materials.

4. Remedies to avoid green marks on your fingers due to rings.

After having talked about the types of materials to avoid (remember that they are mainly Cadmium, Nickel and Tin), the first thing to do is to make sure that, when we buy a piece of jewelry, we are informed or have a label that it is free of Nickel.

In addition, in our post of 8 tips to buy quality jewelryyou will find many other tips to avoid getting this horrible green mark on your fingers and ears. Some of them are:

  • Buy quality jewelry from brands you trust.
  • Look at the materials used and the type of bathroom they have.
  • Buy from brands that produce handcrafted products
  • Quality and originality are what you are looking for
  • Find out more and ask for expert opinions

In our case, in LAVANI we manufacture the pieces to last as long as possible with a high resistance gold finish that prevents discoloration and oxidation. In addition, all our jewelry is made with high quality semi-precious stones. Wonders of nature with unique reflections and colors that make each piece of jewelry unique.

Finally, we have the maxim of not using Cadmium, Tin or Nickeland, in addition, we cover them with a layer of protective lacquer and noble metals so that they do not give reactions and take care of your skin.

Visit our website and discover all the jewelry, materials and stones with which we manufacture in our artisan workshops located in Valencia!


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