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Beautiful color combinations: how to mix colors properly?

THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO COLOR COMBINATIONS: Many of you ask us every day: What colors go with my look? What mix of colors can I wear to a wedding? How can I combine the colors of my clothes and accessories?

Discover the matching colors in your clothes and accessories: the ultimate trick on how to match colors with the color wheel.

That's why today we've decided to create the easiest guide ever to combine colors with the chromatic circle and break necks with your event looks... or even your everyday looks! or even your everyday looks!

Beautiful color combinations made with the color palette of the color wheel

Are you ready to start learning how to combine colors in women's clothing and accessories? Let's get started!

Beautiful color combinations made with opposite colors of the chromatic circle mixed together.

1. Beautiful color combinations: the opposites of the color wheel attract.

We know it and you know it. The colors that are opposite each other in the chromatic circle are complementary and will always look great. With this combination you will get a striking and cohesive result, being a very nice color combination achieved with these two opposite colors of the chromatic circle.

How can you make this combination? Very simple, any of the color combinations that are opposite each other in the chromatic circle will be a sure hit. 

Some examples are bougainvillea and green, fuchsia and green, yellow and purple, blue and orange... Here are some suggestions for accessories with these color combinations:




Best color combinations made with the triangle of the chromatic circle


2. Best color combinations: the Bermuda Triangle

We continue with the best color combinations, and if you have never heard about the triangle color combination, you can't miss it. If we imagine a triangle on the chromatic circle, the 3 colors that are in its corners will give us a risky but effective combination.

If you are hesitating about how to combine this range of colors, it is very simple, some examples are: lime with purple and red, turquoise with yellow and maroon. But if you are still not convinced, you can always opt for multicolored earrings containing these tones. We leave you a better selection of multicolored earrings below:



Combination of colors made with colors pasted from the color palette of the chromatic circle


3. Color palette and homogeneous combinations.

Colors that are close to each other will always go well together. A more discreet and less contrasted bet with which you will never fail.

It's simple, any color of the chromatic circle will go perfectly with its partner right next to it. For example, a green and blue, a purple and pink? This is a great key on how to combine colors in women's clothing and accessories.


Range of four matching color combinations made with a square on the chromatic circle.


4. Matching color gamut: square on chromatic circle

If you want to shine and be seen for miles there is an infallible trick: with a square on the chromatic circle choose the color of one of its corners: it will be your main color. Add the three colors of the other three corners with the accessories and you will have the most incredible quadruple combination. With our Cascade Earrings in pink, purple, amber and aquamarine you will get this combination in one piece.

How primary colors are combined

If you notice, the combination of these four colors in a square on the chromatic circle gives us a perfect combination of primary colors that we can modify to secondary colors as we move the square on the color palette. And you, would you use this combination of colors in your clothes and accessories?


Combinations of colors mixed with gold

5. Color combinations with gold

If you still have doubts or the color does not convince you, gold will always be your best friend. In the collection of Art Deco Cavalier earrings you have a selection of golden earrings perfect for these cases.


And don't forget! In our blog you can find several posts with ideas of color combinations according to different colors and looks:






Do you already know how to create the best and most beautiful color combinations? We're sure you do! We can't wait to see how you combine and mix colors, tag us on social media so we can see it!

Instagram: @lavani.jewels

TikTok: @lavanijewels


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