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Our "I don't quit" pendant for this March 8.

Let's be clear, being a woman DOES mean resigning. Being a woman DOES mean having to put up with employment discrimination that should not exist. It DOES mean difficulties in reconciling personal and professional life. It DOES mark differences that, in a truly egalitarian world, should have no place.

Discover our I Don't Quit pendant and support our cause!

A pendant designed and manufactured for all of you and us. Because, we, like all of you who fight for this cause, we do it too. With you. Hand in hand. Because union is the true engine of change. That is why today, more than ever, we join the Malasmadres Association to support and fight for it. Because we do not give up, nor do we want to.

1. Who are the Malasmadres Association?

The Malasmadres Club was born from the heart of Laura Baena, a director and entrepreneur who, driven by the reality in which we live and her saddening resignation data, understood that change was necessary and that, with her effort and dedication, she would be one more step in the whole history of this new direction.

A course that aims to put an end to all the statistics that show that 6 out of 10 women give up when motherhood arrives; that aims to normalize that yes, being a mother is tiring and that you do not always reach or should not reach everything or that seeing your children and grandchildren grow up should not be synonymous with not seeing your professional career grow.

Malasmadres club image

In Malasmadres, the need to make motherhood visible and to value the work involved in caring for children, without giving up work, identity or women's own personal lives.

To this end, with this pendant, we intend to collaborate and support some of its main objectives such as:

  • To achieve a society in which being a mother is not socially and occupationally penalized, but in which childcare is understood as a social responsibility that reaches everyone.
  • Companies that are committed to reconciliation and co-responsibility measures, allowing the sharing of care measures and facilitating greater flexibility.
  • Commitment on the part of society to understand that work-life balance is a social problem, as well as to promote a regulatory pact that allows women to assume maternity without economic or personal cost.

Our commitment to the cause

For our part, this March 8, 2023, we wanted to dedicate all our efforts to support the struggle of Yo No Renuncio for which every day all the women who are part of the Club de las Malasmadres bet on. Because we don't want to give up either.

Because, like all women who demand social change, so do we at LAVANI. That is why we are here today. Because behind this pendant there are 10 women who are part of the team. Ten women, each with her own circumstances, but all with a clear and ardent vocation to develop professionally and personally, without wanting to give up anything. To be able to develop and be in a world where reconciling family and work is not a mere utopia.

This campaign comes from our own and most sincere value. From a claim that we have always been and will always be part of. Enter our section of Our Conscience and discover more about our values. 

3. I Don't Quit Pendant

With our pendant Yo No Renuncio, we intend to contribute our grain of sand to this much needed change. Therefore, 100% of the benefits that we get from it will go entirely to the Association so that, as before, continue to give voice to all those women who have renounced and continue to renounce.

Check out our I Don't Quit Pendant and support the cause by collaborating!

Discover on our Instagram profile the video of our grandmothers' stories of resignation!


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