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The meaning of nature symbols

From the deep blue sea above the horizon, a sunset that tints the sky red, the breeze coming through the window, even a sunny day can soothe the soul like nothing else. Although we may not realize it, the symbols of nature are all around us.


Important meanings of nature symbols


1. Sun

In one way or another, all living things depend on the sun. It controls the weather, the climate, the oceans, makes plants grow, keeps the world warm, is a source of nutrition for many living things, and provides a bright source of light. It plays an important role in many of nature's processes. Without the

2. Sheet

When we think of nature, the first thing that comes to mind is a leaf, a tree or a forest. It is a primary symbol and one of the most common symbols in nature. The leaf represents the power of nature and the cycle of life: how a small seed can grow into a large oak tree. In addition, the leaf is food for other animals.


3. Flowers

Flowers are associated with the spring season and the diversity they hold. This is also similar to how nature manifests diversity within its creations. Connecting with flowers is a way to re-establish contact with nature. If we allow ourselves to be impressed by their beauty, we feel part of a wonderful world. In this way, flowers also represent the beauty of nature.


4. Butterfly

A butterfly is one of nature's most beautiful creatures that goes through an intense process of transformation, much like how nature changes to things you could never imagine before. Therefore, the butterfly represents change and becoming a better version of ourselves. It reminds us of how we can become who we want to be and look beautiful while doing so. Wearing this insect as a symbol means carrying with you optimism, hope, joy and zest for life.


5. Air, water, sky and earth

Finally, let's talk about the four main elements of nature or four elements of matter.

The first of these is the earth, which is composed of rocks, stones, metal and glass. Nature has large deposits of rocks and minerals such as the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest. In the same way, the precious stones we use to decorate are also another example of the earth element.

The second element is fire. Although it is considered destructive and dangerous, it is an important part of nature to maintain the natural order of things. Wildfires can help remove dead matter in soils and return nutrients, certain animals and plants depend on fires to survive, and fire can help get rid of dangerous and invasive species.

The third element is air. Composed of oxygen, carbon dioxide and many other gases, air is crucial to the survival of many creatures within nature. From being toxic if near a volcano, to cool and refreshing if near the ocean, it can be both dangerous and soothing.

The last element is water. Three quarters of the physical matter in nature is composed of water. Many phenomena in nature also absorb water, such as rain, snow, rivers, etc., and it is a basic necessity for the survival of almost all living things.


Perhaps the greatest symbol of nature is us, humanity itself. Nature is key to our survival. We ourselves are the symbol of life and nurture. Just as we depend on nature, nature depends on us. That is why it is so crucial to remember and consciously care for it, especially in these difficult times for the environment.


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